Step into the World of Agroforestry!

Poverty Reduction, Biodiversity Conservation & Climate Change Mitigation!

Sustainable agriculture based on agroforestry, growing trees among crops, is multi-functional and diversified and based on agroecological methods adapted to the specific ecosystem. Sustainable Agriculture and Land Management methods, the farmers can continue to develop their farming methods, despite drought and flooding, and ensure the families access to food.

Climate Change Mitigation

Agroforestry contributes to climate change mitigation in three ways. (1) Sequestering carbon in biomass and soils, (2) reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and (3) avoiding emissions through reduced fossil fuel and energy usage on farms. For a windbreak, the growing trees store carbon directly in their biomass and in the soil. At the same time, the system releases fewer greenhouse gases, like nitrous oxide, because the trees take up extra nutrients and also because less area is fertilized. Finally, less fossil fuel and energy are used in agricultural operation because some of the fields is no longer cultivated. All of these components contribute to the climate change mitigation that can come from adding agroforestry practices to northeastern agricultural and forested landscapes.

Poverty Reduction

Forests provide food, medicine, fodder and energy for 250 million of the world’s extreme poor. If utilized properly, the method of agroforestry can reduce global poverty. The resources and benefits that forests can provide are often inaccessible to those in poverty due to the private ownership of forests. Approximately 77% of the world’s forests are owned and administered by governments that do not recognize the claims of indigenous peoples and local communities to the land. Since government priorities do not always align with community needs, the locals who need the forests to survive do not receive the benefits that they should. , agroforestry is underused in the fight against global poverty.

Biodiversity Conservation

Sustainable Development Goal 15 encourages all to work towards the preservation of nature, combating desertification, reversing deforestation, and halting biodiversity loss. SSEAFA has been working with farmer organisations in support of this. We use the term agrobiodiversity to refer to the diversity of species associated with the farming of crops and the rearing of livestock in a specific farming system. Biodiversity loss is caused by land degradation, overexploitation of natural resources, unsustainable agricultural practices such as monocropping among others. In the interim strategy 2020-2021 and 2023-2027 strategic period, SSEAFA continues to support farmers’ organisations to reduce deforestation, and increase food productivity whilst contributing to increased biodiversity.

Food Security

SSEAFA through the joint strategy with We Effect 2020-2021 recognises that smallholder farmer families are increasingly challenged by effects of pandemics such as Covid 19, climate change, and socio-economic factors that limit their potential in food production. Hence the SSEAFA resolve to work with and advance the Right to food in all its form. To be able to advocate for this, the organisation is working with food and nutrition as a thematic area. According to the FAO, food security and right to food implies that all people (men, women, children) alone or in community with others, always has the physical and economic access to adequate food or means for its procurement.

Bee Friendly

All fruit and seed crops need to be pollinated in order to be productive. Honey bees are very active and effective pollinators for many kinds of crops, the integration of honey bees into agroforestry systems can improve crop yield dramatically. Properly managed pollination by honey bees results in larger, well-formed fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. At the same time, the honey bees produce honey and a wide range of other products that are potential sources of income. While managed pollination by honey bees has become standard for large-scale agriculture in temperate areas, innovative beekeeping practices are springing up throughout the tropic

Interdependent Culture

Agrobiodiversity cannot be dissociated from cultural diversity. Agriculture is a means of social affirmation, the result of a relationship of integration and exchange between humans and the environment. The protection of agricultural biodiversity implies not only the protection of the environment but also the protection of traditional knowledge and customs, the ways of life of indigenous peoples and small farmers. Agricultural biodiversity and cultural diversity are interdependent and, according to Klaus Töpfer (UNESCO and UNEP 2003), there is a strong correlation between areas of maximum biodiversity and areas of cultural diversity. Agricultural  biodiversity is the result of the complex and dynamic management of agricultural crops by farmers.

Cashew Nuts

The global cashew market size reached US$ 6.76 Billion in 2021. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach a value of US$ 8.89 Billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.42% during 2022-2027.


Global Coffee Market size was valued at USD 384.85 Billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 497.89 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 4.52% from 2021 to 2028 according to a new report by IMIR


The global cocoa and chocolate market size was valued at USD 46.61 billion in 2021. The market is projected to grow from $48.29 billion in 2022 to $67.88 billion by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.98% during the forecast period.

Macadamia Nuts

The global macadamia nut market size was valued at USD 1.53 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% from 2022 to 2032. The market in growing day by day.

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What We Do


Conventional farming focuses on maximizing yields of a specific crop. It is based on a simple presumption: crop yields are increased by nutrient inputs and by controlling pests, diseases and weeds.

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Our Vision

A sustainable environment that enables women and men living in poverty to improve their lives.

Fighting poverty and climate change – together. Through agroforestry and strengthening of farmers’ organisations, to empower smallholder farmer families to reduce poverty, hunger, and deforestation, and contribute to increased biodiversity.









Let us bring back a green Earth!

Client’s words

Organic farming is beneficial to a wide range of organisms. It restores the biodiversity of the core resources and habitat of the region. The symbiosis between flora and fauna, animals, and humans with a chemical-free environment is paradise on Earth.


Alikadam Sadar, Alikadam, Bandarban
Phone: +8801823777667
Fax: +1 (2) 345 6789

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